Discovering Electro Swing
In the last few years I’ve been slowly discovering the musical genres of electro swing/jazz/blues, and finding I really like them. I appear to be discovering artists somewhat out of order, but I’ll present some favorite selections in the order I discovered them.
Layo & Bushwacka – Deep South. I had this one on my playlist for a long time before I encountered anything else that might have led me to discover there might be a whole category buried here. Moby’s work didn’t clue me in either, even when combined with Recoil’s Electro Blues for Bukka White:
Mocean Worker – Move. I love the harmonica solo that starts around 3:22 and listened to it over and over. It was around this time I started to spot an emerging pattern and looked for more, starting with more Mocean Worker.
Shake Ya Boogie:
Shooby Do Yah: Extends the Mocean Worker visual trademark to the hypothetical third dimension.
Hoot and Hollah: I love the weird animation style in this one.
That’s where it rested for a while, as I had some trouble finding more that I liked. Eventually someone I’m connected to on Facebook randomly posted a Caravan Palace link. I explored all of their offerings and especially like these two: Clash and Rock it For Me.
But here’s what prompted this post. Today via the song-of-the-day mailing list at work, I was introduced to Parov Stelar via this track, Chambermaid Swing. Love it, and can’t put it down right now.
This is why I say I’m doing this somewhat out of order – apparently Stelar is one of the pioneers of the electro-rehash genres, but I hadn’t heard of him until today.
Some other Stelar tracks I like:
Libella Swing…
Booty Swing…
The Mojo Radio Gang…
To end on a bizarre note, here’s a new Caravan Palace video I just discovered while writing this. I like the music and the animation style, but the story totally does not go in any direction I expected. You may not like: