Accomplishments for 2013

I’m a couple of months late with this.  Much has been going on.

A couple of years ago I decided to stop setting myself up for failure by making New Year’s resolutions.  Instead I decided to review each year’s accomplishments.

2013 had only one major accomplishment, but it was a really big one: I got myself out of debt.  I sold off all of my company stock, and between that and my bonus I was able to fully pay off all three of my remaining student loans, plus some lingering credit debt I had accumulated on my big road trip in 2011.

That was a great feeling!

The only other significant thing I can remember doing in 2013 is taking a week’s holiday in Calgary to attend the Pincade Expo, visit friends and tank up on the world’s most delicious hamburgers from Peter’s Drive-In, which I had been craving for a while.


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